Saturday, February 23, 2013

Response to Kaley's post on the Jack Links beef jerky commercial

Humor is always a good element in a successful commercial as long as it is used right. This  Jack Links commercial is a perfect example. If a person gets a good laugh out of a commercial, then they are likely to remember it. Then they will associate it with the product and may even be influenced to become a potential buyer of the product. Most of their Sasquatch commercials are capable of providing veiwers with a good laugh; like all the ones in this video:


They never really seem to take it too far either. you know what to expect when watching them; a prank being played on Sasquatch, followed by the creature getting angry and punishing them. However, even though they have become quite predictable, they still get people laughing. For a company to be able to maintain a certain level of predictability and still run successful ads, shows that they are taking the right marketing approach.

Is it better for a company to base all their commercials on the same theme, or would running a series of entirely different themed  commercials be more effective? Does it depend on the company?

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