With businesses employing global marketing to target markets throughout the world, an individual can wonder whether or not what that business does overseas affects them. They may see it as, well its not happening in my area, therefore it has no impact on my business with the company. This is a valid way of looking at it, but not the way I view global marketing. It will not just affect you directly or indirectly, but the people around you, and the world you live in. We can be dependent on our environment and surroundings, and those can be significantly impacted by globalization. Globalization expands economic freedom, ignites competition, and increases the productivity and living standards of people in countries that open themselves to the global marketplace. It has even lifted many millions out of poverty and improved the standards of living of low-wage families. You may have had the chance to find a job because of global marketing, and the same is true for many of your friends and family. It may be happening overseas, but it still has its impact on the people at home.
Does anyone have a way that global marketing has affected yourself, or someone else you may know?
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